Hello there!
We have had a busy few months at the Foundation so thought I would let you know what we have been up to!
Since the start of the new academic year, we have carried out learning disability awareness training, through Paul’s story at University of Swansea and the University of South Wales, reaching over 250 students! The feedback we received was wonderful and gives us encouragement to keep going, as it makes a real difference.
We have had several meetings with Welsh Government and Improvement Cymru as the final touches are put to the Mandatory Learning Disability Awareness training that we successfully campaigned for. This will be mandatory for everyone who works within the NHS in Wales. Next week Jonathan and Jayne will be filming a short introductory video to the training, which we are very excited about!
Next year we hope to be able to start fund-raising again, as we are totally reliant on funds raised by our amazing supporters, so it’s been a tricky few years. We will keep you posted, so watch this space, and hopefully you will be able to join in some of our events!