© 2020 All rights reserved
Registered Charity No: 1171739
Our Vision
for the future
We want people with a learning disability to be valued in society and receive a fair and equitable service when receiving healthcare. We as a family have paid the ultimate price for the lack of training, ignorance and complacency towards our brother.
We want nurses, carers and learning disabled people and their families and carers to be familiar with the Care Bundle, health profile and logo. Our hope is that by using the health profile, receiving learning disability awareness training and ensuring the Care Bundle is adhered to that what happened to Paul does not happen to anyone else with learning disabilities.
Ultimately we want to EMPOWER people with knowledge and training to make a difference to the healthcare of people with learning disabilities
Key Asks
For the Learning Disability logo to be recognised and used across Wales
Mandatory Training
Mandatory awareness training is properly implemented & developed by Welsh Government with common standards across Wales.
Care Bundle
For the care bundle to be vigorously adhered to every time a patient with learning disabilities goes into hospital.
Health Checks
To see an Increase in the uptake of “quality” Annual Health Checks and for everyone with a learning disability to have a health profile.
Flagging System
That all health boards across Wales have a mechanism to identify and flag all patients with a learning disability from the point of admission.
LD Champions
To see Learning Disability Champions in every hospital in Wales.
Liaison Nurses
We want to see Learning Disability liaison nurses in every hospital across Wales