for NHS Staff & Students

When a patient with learning disabilities visits a hospital or medical setting they can experience difficulties in receiving the care that they need for various reasons.

A health profile is the best way to overcome any obstacles as it helps to overcome any communication issues, it provides nurses and clinicians with essential medical information  and most importantly will encourage staff  to make any reasonable adjustments  to make the hospital/medical  visit a better experience.

Click on the links below to download a copy of the Health Profile and for guidance notes on how to complete it.

Learning Disability Educational Framework

Hospital Poster

Health Profile

Guidance Notes

Easy-Read Guidance Notes

Improving Lives Programme

Paul's Story Evaluation

Learning Disability Logo Pack

Laminated Logo Templates

Print off the sheet, laminate and then cut out the logos to use

Logo Poster with liaison nurse information


Please ensure that you are using the most up to date version of the Health Profile. Please click on link below to check: 

Learning Disability Champions Downloads

Recruitment Poster

Champion Booklet

Pledge Card

Evaluation Form


Learning Disability Champions Training

We would like to see a Learning Disability Champion in every hospital ward in Wales...

The Learning Disability Logo

We created a logo to be used as a gentle indicator to hospital staff that their patient needs a little extra care...