We started February off well, with a meeting with Professor Catherine Bright, Consultant Psychiatrist in Learning Disability who agreed to become one of our trustees. Catherine currently works as part of the acute liaison team in Aneurin Bevan, a role unique in Wales, and she joins us alongside Dr Dawn Cavanagh, an expert in all things Annual Health Checks, and lots more besides, who has been working with us over the last few months. We are thrilled to have such amazing people to support us as we continue to raise awareness of the challenges and inequalities faced by people with a learning disability when accessing health care.
Next, we had a meeting with the learning disability liaison team from Powys Teaching Health Board to hear about their new awareness and Champion training. They have been invited to share learning disability awareness on the induction training in the health board for all health and social care staff, and as part of this they hope to train many Champions, we wish them all the best! They are doing an amazing job as they are also busy promoting the importance of the Annual Health Check amongst GPs.
The Paul Ridd Learning Disability Awareness Training has still not been mandated by all of the health boards in Wales despite being made mandatory by Welsh government and launched in April 2022. The completion figures for those who have done so are excellent and we are more than grateful for their support. We hope it will not be too long before we can report that all seven health boards are included.
We were delighted to welcome a first year learning disability nursing student from USW to our offices, who had kindly offered to volunteer with us. She did an amazing job helping us pack up 100 Champion packs in record time! These packs are for Powys Teaching Health Board, who have generously paid for them, for which we are most grateful.