Charity Update April 2023

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Apologies we are a bit late this month, as we had a very busy end to April of which more anon!

The beginning of the month marked a full year from when the Paul RIdd Learning Disability Awareness Training became mandatory within the NHS in Wales. We had a great meeting with Improvement Cymru to discuss the uptake of the training over the last 12 months, with some amazing graphs and charts!  Some of the figures show the work that has gone in to promoting the training within several health boards has been absolutely amazing and we are so grateful to them. Sadly, a few have had a very poor uptake, but this is something we are working tirelessly on to improve. We never rest at the Paul Ridd Foundation, there is always work to be done to ensure that people with a learning disability receive equal healthcare, as they are entitled to.

Mid-month I had to visit someone in Morriston hospital, and I was delighted to see our logo visible both in the emergency department but also as part of a sign above every patient’s bed denoting any special details about them. It really was wonderful to see it in action!

At the end of April, we hosted a very successful healthcare roadshow on a lovely sunny day in the Halliwell Centre in Carmarthen.  It is a stunning venue and we were looked after very well with tea, coffee and delicious Welsh cakes!  We had over 90 people attending, and we have received wonderful feedback, both from those who came as guests and those who had tables and displays. There was a wonderful energy in the room, as people chatted, shared information and shared their stories. We gave out a lot of copies of our Access to Healthcare booklets, which we were delighted with, as the feedback on them was so positive. If you would like a copy, you can either download one from our website, or contact us by email and we can post one out to you.   We are now starting to plan our next event, so we will keep you posted.

Thank you for all your ongoing support.

From everyone at the Paul Ridd Foundation




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