We had another great meeting with Learning Disability Wales at the beginning of the month, to discuss some online workshops that we are hoping to do together in the Autumn, on the subject of healthcare, and knowing what support is available in Wales for people with a learning disability, their families and carers. More news anon!
Learning Disability Week was a major focus of our work this month and it was a busy, celebratory week in the sunshine! We visited University Hospital Wales in Cardiff on Tuesday to support the acute liaison team who had a pop-up stand displaying their services and also those of the newly formed Children’s learning disability liaison service. Lots of people expressed interest in the Champion training that they are organising, and we were there obviously talking about the mandatory training!
On Thursday we went to University of Swansea St David’s Park in Carmarthen for a Champions Day with the acute and primary care team from Hywel Dda and members of their amazing Health Action Team. We shared Paul’s Story and spoke about the importance of Champions and the mandatory training. The Health Action Team shared with us their experiences of receiving both good and bad care within the health service, which at times was very moving and upsetting. There is much to celebrate, but there is also a lot of work still to be done sadly. It is why we continue to campaign.
Work has continued on organising the next healthcare roadshows, with one booked in North Wales already, on November 7th in Bangor (put the date in your diary now!) and one in the process of being booked for mid-August in Merthyr….more details very soon!
On the last day of the month we were delighted to hear that two of the acute learning disability nurses Judith Wall and Beth Williams, won the Learning Disability and Mental Health Award at the RCN Wales, Nurse of the Year Award 2023 in Cardiff for their work in Cwm Taf UHB. We are so thrilled for them as they do an amazing job, and it is wonderful to see their work recognised and celebrated! Beth has now moved to work with Improvement Cymru, and she is a wonderful addition to their team.