Charity Update April 2024


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We had the privilege of sharing Paul’s Story this month with over 200 students at Swansea University and the University of South Wales. These students were from the Pathways to Medicine degree courses, adult, child, mental health and learning disability nursing degrees, so a very broad audience!  We were delighted with the feedback we received, from comments written on our evaluation sheet to people coming up to us afterwards to ask us more specific questions or to share their experiences.  We are always grateful to the universities for inviting us to speak with their students, it is very much appreciated. 

We had hoped that our new version of Paul’s Story would be ready this month but we think we can definitely say that it will be ready in May!  We are so grateful to Paul Harris for sharing his knowledge, time, commitment and his enthusiasm with this project and we can’t wait for you to see it. 

Wednesday 17th April we attended a Stolen Lives demonstration outside the Senedd in Cardiff Bay, along with well over 100 people, from individuals and their families to groups and organisations.  The campaign is telling the government to stop the practise of locking up people with a learning disability and/or autism in mental health units and hospitals, purely because there is no adequate place and support for them in their communities. It is a human rights scandal and it must stop. Having a learning disability is NOT a mental health issue. There are approximately 250 people in Wales living like this. Please sign the petition and please share it with everyone you know and on your social media. Over 1,100 people have signed already, please join them! 

This month we have also had several meetings with Mencap Cymru planning feedback for a government consultation on their Putting Things Right programme. This is regarding the procedures and supports that should be in place for when people make complaints about healthcare. We believe that it is essential that people are given the tools so that they know what to do and who to turn to when there is a crisis. 

Thank you for all your ongoing support.

From everyone at the Paul Ridd Foundation




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