Charity Update May 2024


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We have been having lots of meetings this month with our colleagues in Improvement Cymru, as we have received funding from them to share in a promotion of the Once for Wales Health Profile. We will be going to a main hospital within each health board from June until December this year, sharing information about the health profile and sharing learning disability awareness with healthcare staff. We will be starting up in Betsi Cadwaladr in June, during Learning Disability Awareness week. This important week is from 17th-23rd June, and the theme is “Do you see me?” which is all about being seen, heard and valued. We are so looking forward to being out and about so please keep an eye on our social media and if you are working in the hospitals, please come along to say hello!  

This month we have managed to catch up with several of the liaison nurses and also champions working within the NHS to find out what work they have been doing to help improve the healthcare experience of their patients with a learning disability. We are always so thrilled to hear of their work and the difference that they make. It is also great for us to share good practice we hear about with their colleagues in different health boards.  

I was also happy to be invited to the meeting of the acute learning disability liaison nurses where I shared our health profile promotion project with them and also, I learned about their champion training and all their plans for LD Awareness Week.  Watch our social media for daily updates!  

This month we shared Paul’s Story and carried out Champion training at Swansea University and also in USW in Pontypridd. We now have a new evaluation form, and it is giving us invaluable feedback on the impact of hearing Paul’s Story but also more importantly we ask for what changes they will make in their practice. These changes include the importance of listening to families and carers, good communication, making reasonable adjustments, showing compassion and seeing the person, not their disability. These comments are really uplifting.  

We ended the month with our trustee meeting where we shared what we have been up to and what we have planned for the next few months. We discussed the possibility of some fund-raising and other events, so watch this space!  



Thank you for all your ongoing support.

From everyone at the Paul Ridd Foundation




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