Charity Update June 2024


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We have had a bit of a quiet month at the Foundation but despite this we still have a lot to share! 

As you probably already know, the campaigning and work that we do only applies to Wales, as the NHS here is run separately to the rest of the UK. Despite this, we are often approached by health boards and healthcare professionals working outside of Wales to ask for our advice, or opinion, asking if they can use our logo and to find out how we have been able to achieve so much, even though we are such a small foundation. It is a privilege for us to share the work that we do, and we are always happy to share the logo as long as people acknowledge it’s origin. This is Paul’s legacy. 

Mid-month we were invited to share Paul’s Story with over 150 first year nursing students at Swansea University. The students are studying adult, child, mental health and learning disability nursing. It was a really great morning, and we had some wonderful feedback and chats with the students afterwards. It is heart-warming to read comments that after hearing Paul’s story they will always now see the patient not their disability, that they will listen to the patient and/or their family and carers, have empathy, make sure they are communicating in the right way for the patient, that they will make reasonable adjustments and be compassionate. The impact of Paul’s story can never be underestimated, and it gives us confidence that patients with a learning disability will be safe in these nurses’ hands.  

During Learning Disability Awareness Week, 17-23rd June, we are always so happy to read about the great work being carried out everywhere, and social media was buzzing with all the activity! We were over the moon to see our logo, on a flag, being raised over each of the 3 main hospitals in North Wales, and we are so grateful to Kim Scandariato and the liaison team in BCUHB for making this happen! Each of the health boards had different events, including information displays, cake sales and quizzes and our new pop-up banners were used in North Wales, at an event promoting the use of the Health Profile. We went along to Swansea University to speak at an event for nursing students where they also spent time speaking with people with a learning disability who shared their stories and experiences of receiving healthcare. It was such a positive afternoon, and we were delighted to share part of our new presentation, which was received really well. Happy days! 



Thank you for all your ongoing support.

From everyone at the Paul Ridd Foundation




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