It was great to meet this month with Bill from Your Voice Advocacy in Swansea, to discuss lots of things and also the many areas that we can work together in the future. YVA provides independent advocacy for people with learning disabilities across the areas of Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
We were then delighted that YVA joined us, with the acute liaison team and Mel, one of our great supporters, to raise awareness of the Health Profile amongst healthcare staff in Morriston Hospital in Swansea. This is the second of our visits to each health board in Wales, alongside Improvement Cymru, to talk to staff and share the importance of this excellent document. We are really grateful to Improvement Cymru for funding this work with us. We had a great time chatting with staff, some of whom knew about it but others who didn’t and we were able to provide lots of information for people to take away. We also spoke with several families which was a great chance for us to share information with them too. Please see link below to download a copy. We also encourage you to read the guidance notes provided as they have excellent prompts that will help you to complete the form most accurately.
We also met this month with a lecturer from Swansea Medical School to discuss our participation in their communication module for second year students that will take place next year. We are delighted that we will be working with YVA at this event, and we look forward to planning this together with them shortly. This will be such an important day, as for us, and many other people, groups and organisations supporting people with learning disabilities, good communication between families and healthcare professionals is absolutely essential for a positive healthcare experience.