Well what an incredibly busy September we have had!
We started the month meeting up with one of the lecturers and programme lead for the Speech & Language degree course in Wrexham University. We haven’t taught there before, so we were delighted when they approached us to see whether we would be able to teach their students. We are thrilled that this was able to be arranged, and we will start sharing Paul’s Story with them next March. If you teach or know of anyone who teaches on any nursing, allied health professional or medical degree course in Wales, and you think we could help your students, then please do get in touch with us! Hearing real patient stories makes all the difference.
We have carried out a lot of teaching this month too, and spoken with about 80 students in total, at Bangor and Swansea University. We are delighted with sharing our new presentation and even more thrilled with the feedback we have received from the students. One of the questions we ask in our evaluation sheet is to list 3 ways in which they will work differently after hearing Paul’s Story. So many of the replies say that they will ask for and use the Health Profile, that they will communicate and listen to the family and carers and that they will make reasonable adjustments. This makes us very happy and gives us confidence that patients with a learning disability will be safe in their hands. We keep a running total of the students we have spoken with and in the last 12 months we have shared Paul’s Story with over 900 students in Wales, which is such a great achievement and we feel really proud!
This month we went to The Grange University Hospital in Cwmbran, continuing our promotion of the Once for Wales Health Profile for people with a learning disability. We spent a good few hours there with Beth from Improvement Cymru, Michelle, Lynette and Danielle from the acute learning disability liaison team from Aneurin Bevan UHB. We spoke with staff and families about the use of the health profile and also about the liaison service and how they can best support people when they are in hospital. It was interesting to learn about the history of Llanfrechfa Grange Hospital and to spend some time afterwards in the beautiful walled gardens, which is such a haven of tranquility. If you need a copy of the health profile, don’t forget that you can download one from the link here: https://phw.nhs.wales/services-and-teams/improvement-cymru/our-work1/learning-disability-health-improvement-programme/health-profile/health-profile-for-professionals/