
  • 10 Sections

    Module One – Basic Awareness of Learning Disabilities

    The key outcome for this training is to have a clear understanding of what a learning disability is, understanding what can be done to ensure patients with learning disabilities get the care that they deserve and how healthcare workers can use this knowledge  to make changes for the better.
  • 3 Sections

    Module Three – The Health Profile

    The Once for Wales Health Profile is a vital tool that ensures equality of healthcare for people with learning disabilities in primary and secondary care.  This module will show you its importance, how to complete one, and how best to use it. This new document was launched in July 2020 to replace the health passport.
  • 4 Sections

    Module Two – Care Bundle

    This module will introduce you to the Care Bundle which when followed correctly, ensures that patients with learning disabilities in secondary care, will receive the quality of healthcare that they deserve and are entitled to.