Section 4 of 4
In Progress

The 7 Interventions

Please hover over the images below to reveal the aim of each of the 7 interventions.

Within 4 hours
Effective communication with patients, carers, families & clinicians.


Intervention Aim

To notify patient advocate, care co-ordinator, care manager, acute liaison nurse to help liaison with investigating departments.


Intervention Aim

To notify next of kin and/or primary carer of the admision.


Intervention Aim

Request Health Profile (formally referred to as Health Passport or Traffic Light Assessment) for the patient.

Daily, regardless of length of stay
Providing dignified patient centred care and treatment.


Intervention Aim

To ensure a person-centred care plan is developed with the patient, primary carers and/or family, reviewed and updated.


Intervention Aim

The care plan is communicated and shared with ward team members.


Intervention Aim

Wherever possible a named nurse is identified to patient, family and other staff throughout the duration of stay.
Within 7 days of admission
Effective review and discharge planning.


Intervention Aim

To ensure that the person's condition, care and treatment are effectively reviewed and that the patient's discharge from hospital is well planned and agreed with all parties.