News & events

Royal College of Nursing in Wales Nurse of the Year Awards 2019

We were delighted to attend this event in Cardiff on 13th November 2019 as 2 of our amazing supporters were up for awards for the incredible work that they do.

Mitch Richards is a mental health nurse, who has championed the needs of individuals with a learning disability across all health care sectors.  As a student he worked hard to ensure his student body had a better understanding of how to care for patients with learning disabilities in order for them to receive the best possible care and experience. As a result of his passion and enthusiasm Swansea University has pledged to train every nursing student as a Learning Disability Champion.  Mitch won the Nursing Student Award.

Cath Thomas, a registered nurse, has made a huge contribution working to improve the service for patients with learning disabilities entering hospital for elective surgery.  She engages with patients, families and carers to create the best and most positive experience possible for her patients, and she has championed the learning disability team in Neath Port Talbot hospital. Her work has already been recognised as exemplary outside of Wales too in Plymouth and Southampton. Cath was a finalist in the Registered Nurse (Adult) Award.

