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Royal College of Nursing in Wales Nurse of the Year Award 2024

21/11/2024  Pic (C) HUW JOHN, CARDIFF

Royal College of Nursing in Wales
Nurse of the Year Awards, Mercure Cardiff

Mandatory Byline - HUW JOHN, CARDIFF


We are absolutely thrilled to share that Catherine Davies, a learning disability nurse from Powys Teaching Health Board was announced as the first ever Learning Disability Nurse of the Year 2024! In previous years mental health and learning disability nursing have been in the same category, so we are also delighted that learning disability nursing now has it’s own award!
Catherine has been recognised for her commitment and drive to make healthcare more equal for people with learning disabilities across the county. This has included raising awareness amongst GPs and other health professionals on how people with learning disabilities may need particular support and she has also worked so hard to ensure that around 90% of this group receive an annual health check. This percentage is by far the highest in all of Wales!
Catherine also provides training to social care colleagues and the Welsh Ambulance Service alongside delivering sessions to practice nurses and newly qualified health staff on the Preceptorship programme. To date Catherine has trained over 500 learning disability champions and has many future sessions planned.
Congratulations Cath we are so proud of you!


